2017-2022 Health System Resilience Estimates

Under updating

Health system resilience is defined as the ability of the system to maintain basic essential services despite excess stresses or external crises. During the COVID-19 crisis, the use of health services declined in different magnitude and duration in different regions for reasons such as public fear of visiting health facilities, the suspension for non-COVID-19 care, and lockdowns/stay-at-home policies. To quantitatively measure health system resilience (including the ability of system absorb, adapt to, and recover from) about COVID-19 crisis, our team adopts a new quantitative approach characterized the resilience curve of different services in US states. The services include,
-Chronic Illness (Chronic disease care)

    -Alzheimer’s disease and dementia



    -Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis

    -Chronic Obstructive  Pulmonary Disease excluding Asthma   

    -Essential Hypertension
    -Heart disease

    -Kidney disease
    -Other cardiovascular/circulatory conditions
-Maternal & Newborn (Maternal care)
    -Prenatal care
    -Postnatal care
    -Family planning

    -Pregnancy with abortive outcome

    -Oedema, proteinuria and hypertensivder disorders in pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium

    -Other maternal disorders
    -Other obstetric onditions
Besides the COVID severity and lockdown policies, the abundance of physician abundance and health resources play a significant role in promoting healthcare system resilience.
The healthcare resources include,
-Drug Stores
-TeleHealth Coverage
-Health Insurance Coverage
-Health Spending
Last update date: June 2024.

About the team

Team members: Dr. Lu Zhong (principal investigator); Dr. Jianxi Gao (principal investigator); Dimitri Lopez (research member)
Contact email: lucinezhong@gmail.com
Source data:  The data, technology, and services used in generation of these research findings were generously supplied pro bono by the COVID-19 Research Dataset  partners, who are acknowledge at hppts://covid19researchdatabse.org. 

Acknowledgements: We acknowledge the support of Research Accelerator grants funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Measurement of Resilience

The volume of patient visits to essential health services was disrupted twice, such that resilience curive O(t) endure two disruptions. Each disruption is determined by the disurption amplitude α, diruption rate u, and recovery rate v. P(t) is the expected volume if the crisis didn't happen.

Resilience index: r=1-∫t[(P(t)-O(t)]dt/tP(t)dt

Adaptivity index: p=(u1-u2)/[max(u1,u2)]

Source paper:  Healthcare System Resilience and Adaptability to Pandemic Disruptions in the United States.

United States Profile

Select State:
{{ selValue.Resilience_score }}
Resilience score
Absorptive score
{{ selValue.Absorptive_score }}
Adaptive score
{{ selValue.Adaptive_score }}
Recovery score
{{ selValue.Recovery_Score }}
Population estimate
{{ selValue.Population_estimate }}
Person under 65, percent
{{ selValue.Person_under }}
Female, percent
{{ selValue.Female_percent }}
{{ selValue.Education }}
Median household income
{{ selValue.Median_household_income }}
Person in poverty, percent
{{ selValue.Person_in_poverty }}
{{ selValue.Physicians_Nurses }}
{{ selValue.Hospitals_Clinics }}
Drug stores
{{ selValue.Drug_stores }}
Telehealth coverage
{{ selValue.Telehealth_coverage }}
Health insurance coverage
{{ selValue.Health_insurance_coverage }}
Health spending
{{ selValue.Health_spending }}